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Friday, 7 March 2008

Training: WEEK ONE

A little later than planned, here's The Saint's review of the first week of training:
"The training has started in earnest. Week one has seen the introduction of the basics –

Stance - Movement - Basic punches required - A look at combining the shots

And Defence was also examined along with use of the available space in the ring.

Skipping was a new addition in session 2 which saw lots of tangling of feet and rope. Boxing is surprisingly technical!

The fitness requirements for the sport have started to hit home. The mercifully short sessions are very intense and truly exhausting and leave the body very sore and fatigued. All in all, though, it's been an interesting week with so much more to learn.

At the end of week one The Saint has come to the conclusion that at the moment he 'stings like a butterfly and floats like a brick'

…. Roll on week 2!"


Support The Saint"s Charity

Andy 'The Saint' Sayers supports Friends of English Martyrs.

This charity supports a very small rural school in Oakham, Rutland. English Martyrs Catholic Primary School endorses a policy of ‘Every Child Matters’ throughout the school allowing children of all Faiths, Ethnic backgrounds and Abilities to participate fully in a warm, loving and accepting school environment.

Friends of English Martyrs are a group of volunteer parents who work tirelessly to keep this amazing school open and help provide specialist equipment and resources for all the children.
The charity supports disadvantaged children and their families and helps to pay for cultural, social and educational experiences that they would otherwise be unable to benefit from. Recent projects have included fundraising for outdoor sensory fitness equipment, interactive IT tools for each classroom, specialist reading and handwriting materials and theatre experiences.

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