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Saturday, 29 March 2008

Training: WEEK FOUR

The latest installment from Andy 'The Saint' Sayers' training diary:

"It's been a tiring week! Week 4 continued where week 3 left off and each workout is becoming increasingly intensive and complex.

As we progress, there is a lot more to think about; more complicated combinations, and I’m generally reduced to rubble by the end of the session. Just when I think it's all over there’s always a little something extra in store as a bonus!

However, on the plus side, there are definite signs of progress at last! Some of the movement is becoming instinctive now, rather than having to be thought about and, for those that know me, you’ll know how that always slows me down a bit (J!). My general fitness is definitely improving, and I can even speak between rounds!

I got to spar with someone new again this week, as I think my trainer, Ben, is getting bored with beating me up. This time it was one of the other trainers, Nigel, who did a great job of letting me tire myself out for 2 rounds before giving me a thorough mauling in the 3rd. Ben continues to show superhuman levels of patience. When tiredness kicks in, the basics go out of the window and I seem to lose the power to take simple instructions, he keeps me going and gets me there."

For those of you keen to experience The Saint's training for yourself. Andy's personal trainer, Ben Doughty, can be contacted at The Ring Gym on 0207 620 1666 for 1:1 personal conditioning training.

Thursday, 27 March 2008

Fantastic Start To Fundraising!!!

It's been a hectic few weeks and it has been wonderful to have been contacted by so many of you enquiring about 'The Saint's' progress.

Despite a slight technical hitch with our online donation facility (it's coming soon...promise!) we've been stunned by how many of you have emailed us here at The Saint's HQ to pledge a donation and sponsor Andy's chosen charity (see above).

Whilst we're waiting to be able to accept donations online, you can pledge a donation by sending us an email with your contact details and the amount you wish to donate - please also state whether you would like us to claim Gift Aid on your behalf (UK taxpayers only).

Look to the right of this column at the top and you'll find "Make a Pledge" click on the "Please click here" to send your support email.

We'd also like to add your name to our Roll Call of supporters - so please, get in touch!

Tuesday, 25 March 2008

Saintly Cars

Something that Andy 'The Saint' Sayers has in common with the original 'Saint' is Volvo.

In the original 1960's 'The Saint' TV show, Roger Moore drove a prestigious, white Volvo P1800 sports car. A number of cars were supplied for the show by Volvo including one for Moore's own personal use. Jaguar had been asked to supply cars for the show but declined and regretted their decision when The Saint became a massive 60's hit. The ST1 number plate was fake and covered the real plate which was NUV 648E - Moore's own Volvo had the plate NUV 647E .
Volvo have come a long way since then and our very own Andy 'The Saint' Sayers owns both a black Volvo S60 and a black Volvo XC90. As those of you who know Andy will appreciate, he covers a huge amount of mileage during his working week and at least his Volvos are in better nick than the P1800s of the TV show which had to be regularly patched up by technicians due to all the stunts they carried out.

Monday, 17 March 2008

Boxing: Interesting Facts

  • Before the Marquis of Queensberry rules for Boxing were drawn up in 1867, all prize fights in England and the United States were fought with bare knuckles. Even as late as 1882, the great John L. Sullivan, then Boxing champion of the world, rarely fought wearing gloves.
  • Muhammad Ali was known for fighting with his hands held low, even down byhis waist. But Aaron Brown "The Dixie Kid" was the first man to fight in this style.
  • If you think George Foreman is tough, Herbert Odom was 46 years old in 1979 when he boxed his FIRST pro fight and won in two rounds!
  • The first boxing club was established in 1814, it was the Pugilistic Club, London.
  • Ever wonder where the phrase "Is it the real McCoy" came from? Back inthe 1890's Charles "Kid" McCoy was a master at tricking his opponents into believing he was ill or in difficulty. Consequently people were never sure wether he was realy hurt, ill or faking. Thus the saying "Is it the real McCoy" was born.
  • Did you know that the inventor of the rocket, George Stephenson, used to box and even took part in prizefights. I guess this proves boxers are smarter than most of us give them credit for.

With grateful thanks to

Training: WEEK THREE

This week's instalment from The Saint's training diary:

"Week 3 continued with sparring. Just when I felt I was getting the hang of it my patient but fearsome trainer, Ben, decided to shake it up a bit and raised the work rate higher still in the 2nd session.
I’m sure this must be a good thing but I was left somewhat wobbly all the same.
The basics are coming on, but I’m still feeling a little uncoordinated and not all of it is coming as naturally as I’d like. But there’s no doubt I have more of a clue than last week so we have progress!
Looking forward to week 4."

Training: WEEK TWO

Here's another snippet from The Saint's Training Diary:
"Week 2 started with the introduction of sparring. This gave the opportunity to try to put into practice the basics introduced in week 1. Easier said than done! It’s much harder than you’d think to concentrate when you’re getting hit!
The cardio effort required during sparring is enormous and I’m still struggling to get up to speed. It really is exhausting! My basic fitness is improving though but 3x 2 minute rounds is proving a surprisingly tough proposition at the moment. By the end of it I can hardly hold my arms up.
So, lots of work to be done but I feel I’m improving with each session."

Monday, 10 March 2008


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Friday, 7 March 2008

The Patience of a Saint

Some of you may be wondering how does an ordinary chap like Andy become not only fit enough to box but convincing enough to enter the ring in front of his peers?

Andy's secret is none other than CityBoxer trainer Ben Doughty. Boxing since he was 10 years old, Ben is also a coach at the famous Repton Boxing Club.... and a bit of a film star! See the video clip below to see Ben in action on the Mitsubishi L200 commercial. I'm sure you'd agree - not someone to mess with!

Training: WEEK ONE

A little later than planned, here's The Saint's review of the first week of training:
"The training has started in earnest. Week one has seen the introduction of the basics –

Stance - Movement - Basic punches required - A look at combining the shots

And Defence was also examined along with use of the available space in the ring.

Skipping was a new addition in session 2 which saw lots of tangling of feet and rope. Boxing is surprisingly technical!

The fitness requirements for the sport have started to hit home. The mercifully short sessions are very intense and truly exhausting and leave the body very sore and fatigued. All in all, though, it's been an interesting week with so much more to learn.

At the end of week one The Saint has come to the conclusion that at the moment he 'stings like a butterfly and floats like a brick'

…. Roll on week 2!"

Tuesday, 4 March 2008

The Saint starts a trend!

Following The Saint's lead, UK soul star Lemar and GMTV presenter Ben Shephard will do battle in this year's Sport Relief Celebrity Boxing.

The duo will receive training advice from Amir Khan and Ricky Hatton and follow a gruelling fitness regime just like our very own Andy 'The Saint' Sayers. Both boxers have weighed in at exactly 13 stones but Lemar has a 3 inch height advantage which could prove tricky for Shephard.
The self styled 'Showtime Shephard' and 'Soul Destroyer Lemar' have a lot of work to do before their head-to-head match on March 14th.
Meanwhile, keep a look out on the blog for news of how The Saint's first week of training went....

Support The Saint"s Charity

Andy 'The Saint' Sayers supports Friends of English Martyrs.

This charity supports a very small rural school in Oakham, Rutland. English Martyrs Catholic Primary School endorses a policy of ‘Every Child Matters’ throughout the school allowing children of all Faiths, Ethnic backgrounds and Abilities to participate fully in a warm, loving and accepting school environment.

Friends of English Martyrs are a group of volunteer parents who work tirelessly to keep this amazing school open and help provide specialist equipment and resources for all the children.
The charity supports disadvantaged children and their families and helps to pay for cultural, social and educational experiences that they would otherwise be unable to benefit from. Recent projects have included fundraising for outdoor sensory fitness equipment, interactive IT tools for each classroom, specialist reading and handwriting materials and theatre experiences.

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